Depression Therapy in Boca Raton
When we talk about depression, we usually refer to: major depressive disorder, which, although it is not the only form of depression, continues to be the benchmark most used in diagnosis, especially in the informal one made by non-specialists or in self-diagnosis.
What is Depression?
Depression is a mental disorder characterized by general malaise, intense sadness, loneliness, pessimism, lack of hope or a positive vision of the future, reliving unpleasant memories, anxiety, and sometimes suicidal thoughts.
Depression is not a simple momentary indisposition and should not be confused with moments when we are just anxious or sad due to some passing events. Depression must be adequately understood and treated seriously by those close to those who suffer from this disorder.

Depression in the United States affects over 18 million adults (one in ten) in any given year, and it is the leading cause of disability for ages 15-44.
Learn more about Depression Therapy at Boca Raton Psychology Associates
Depression causes and depression therapy
The causes of depression may be situational or biological, which may include:
- Experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in the past or present can make individuals more vulnerable to clinical depression
- Conflict in personal and professional relationships
- Legal Issues
- Death Divorce, Break-up, Loss of relationship
- Biological/Genetics
- Serious illnesses or Chronic Health Issues
- Life transitions- entering the workforce, a new baby, children moving out/empty nester and retirement
- World Events-Global Pandemic, Downturn in the Economy, Political and Social Unrest
- Challenges with children/parenting
- Loss of job or financial loss
- Unresolved Childhood Trauma
- Hormonal/Chemical Imbalance
- Side effects of Medication
Types of depression that can be treated in therapy include:
- Major Depression
- Bi-Polar Depression
- Persistent Depression
- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
- Prenatal Depression
- Postpartum Depression
- Dysthymia
- Seasonal Affect Disorder

How does depression manifest itself?
- Sadness, despair, pessimism, disillusionment, discouragement
- Lack of interest in any activity, lack of motivation, lack of zest for life
- Insomnia or hypersomnia
- Slowness in carrying out work or routine activities
- Fatigue and apathy
- Clumsy gait, slow gestures, reduced, poor facial expressions, slurred speech
- Slow thinking, memory loss, trouble sustaining attention
- Lack of energy, dynamism, vitality
- Dark thoughts, selecting and reliving unpleasant memories
Treating depression
While therapy can help many patients improve and heal from depressive symptoms, others with significant symptoms may benefit from a combination of therapy and medication to alleviate depression. We can work with you to determine the best treatment approach.
We collaborate with your prescriber and ensure that you receive optimal care if you are taking medication for depression. Additionally, we can refer you for medication evaluation, if needed, to support your treatment plan.
The relationship of trust and respect for what the depressed person feels, which we build in the psychotherapy sessions and the various techniques we approach, leads to the necessary emotional healing and finding hope and personal resources.
Understanding the outlook on the problems faced by the depressed person by discussing and analyzing his thoughts, then addressing the various life events that contributed to the present crisis, as well as finding one’s inner resources, are how depression can be overcome.
We will create a tailored treatment plan based on your unique needs, preferences, and therapeutic goals to help you overcome depression. Move beyond depression with us and embrace a fulfilling and meaningful life that awaits you!