Couple Therapy in Boca Raton
There are many challenges in a couple’s relationship because each partner comes with a different emotional burden or behavior and attachment patterns. There will also be difficult moments that will challenge the couple to transform, evolve and be aware of their limitations. Couples’ therapy sessions try to clarify dysfunctions and the causes of the impasse in which the couple finds themselves.
Often, the simplest solution is chosen: separation or divorce. Although sometimes this is a suitable solution, we must give love another chance and try to change and transform the relationship into what we want.
Boca Raton Psychology Associates’ therapists will help solve momentary conflicts, find new ways of communication and collaboration, and revive the feeling of affection and love that unites the couple.
Our approach in couple psychotherapy is centered on emotions (Emotionally Focused Therapy) and aims to decipher the mechanisms of love based on the development of attachment relationships. EFT interventions are among the most effective in couples therapy because they heal each partner’s attachment wounds and create a new pattern of relating and a space of safety, trust, and love within the couple.

“Dr. Friedman is wonderful! He helped save my marriage and get past our surface issues to see what our true difficulties are. I can’t thank him enough.”
From S.W. on ZocDoc
Couples Counseling – Boca Raton Psychology Associates
Each of us enters a relationship with a set of beliefs and expectations about how a couple should be. The first models of relationships we are exposed to are our parents. Then our experiences or the stories of others from books or media consolidate into ideas about what a happy relationship means and what it means to love and be loved. Many of these beliefs are unrealistic, rigid, absolutist, and defeatist and can do a lot of damage to the relationship. Thus, in couple therapy, a significant role is played by changing dysfunctional attitudes regarding the couple.
Unfortunately, many couples turn to therapy when things have gotten so bad that they can no longer find any positive part of the relationship. The contempt has even contaminated the past, turning the beautiful memories into negative ones.
If you are faced with specific problems, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist in advance! Here are some of the issues for which you can ask for support in the couple’s relationship:
– lack of trust
– drastic reduction of gestures of affection
– communication problems
– frequent conflicts
– infidelity
– problems of sexual dynamics
– different values
– domestic violence
If in a relationship you don’t feel that you are fulfilled, and you don’t develop personally, then it means that it needs to be reevaluated!